
  Expression of eyes to see and exposed upper eyelid shape has a double eyelid from the aesthetic angle to look more expressive. This allows more beauty and single eyelids women itch for a try, want to let oneself through blepharoplasty eyes if xi. Now please experts for you introduced incision double eyelid surgery! South Korea to open double fold eyelid how much money  
  The double eyelid operation along the designed double eyelid line incise the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the orbicularis oculi muscle after separation to remove 1 of the orbicularis oculi muscle, in the open state by wire suture skin incision and suture with tarsal each side 5 to 7 pin so that the skin incision and tarsal produce adhesion is double fold eyelid, this method is suitable for the skin of upper eyelid relaxation fat person.  
  The double eyelid surgery matters needing attention: South Korea to open double fold eyelid how much money  
  1 如有结膜炎睑缘炎严重砂眼者必须治愈后才能手术眼周有炎症者暂缓手术;  
  1 if conjunctivitis, blepharitis severe trachoma must be cured before operation inflammation of the eye were suspended operation;  
  2 有出血倾向病史的受术者要检查血小板和出凝血时间 ;  
  2 bleeding tendency, the recipient should check the history of platelet and blood coagulation time;  
  3 中老年受术者必要时需测血压和做心电图如有轻度异常在术前要对症用药;  
  3 elderly recipient when necessary, blood pressure and electrocardiogram as slightly abnormal symptomatic medication before surgery to;  
  4 避开月经期施行手术;韩国开双眼皮多少钱  
  4 to avoid the menstrual period operation; South Korea to open double fold eyelid how much money  
  5 妊娠前期(三个月)或妊娠后期(三个月)暂缓手术;  
  5 early pregnancy (three months) and late pregnancy (three months) to suspend operation;  
  6 术前7-10天停服类固醇激素和阿斯匹林等抗凝药物;  
6  7-10 day 6 preoperative stop taking steroids and aspirin and anticoagulant drugs;
韩国开双眼皮多少钱 http://www.0325***.cn/yanbuzhengxing/shuangyanpishoushu/3637.html


